Never ending explorations in the world of abstract art. Let the stunning visuals take you deeper and deeper… May include very meaningful short-stories, which may have been inspired by the art pieces

The colors were strangers to each other, they ran into each other and the end result was always a surprise.

And so this four-legged furniture started it’s career in the fashion world. One pic went viral and suddenly everybody wanted a piece. To be just an ordinary piece of wood, but when you cover yourself with pretty colours, suddenly you are seen.
Just a chair turned into something spectacular!
There was no end to the flashing lights, interviews, podcasts, talk-shows, signatures and all the other rubbish the burden of being a celebrity “The Chair” brought with it. A chair knew it, it was just a trip, the only special quality this chair had was it’s vanity.

The merry chit-chat in the corners and centers was comfy, although silence was no longer awkward either. Whatever happened or didn’t happen was all welcome. Embraces for a minute rejections for the next and stillness for the the third.
If there’s no sugar also salt loses it’s saltiness, right?
The stars laid their light on the eyelids of the sleeping beauties, whispering gently all the tales from the times immemorial, the same stories the stars’ ancestors had already been told.

There he stood facing the modern world. Everything was seamless, all information traveling at the speed of light. No place to escape the technology, perfectly adapted to this man-made hell. With pure disgrace in his heart he had but a faint memory of what nature used to be.

All his questions were black and white, the answers didn’t obey their strict limitations, the answers were terrifyingly free.

Looking at the canvas he was searching for a point. There were too many, just one would do. That one would escape like those tiny dead cells on the surface of the eye but the eyes were burning trying to stay still and the continuous stream of points seemed to have no end. Close your eyes, he heard a whisper.

For him, reality had taken a new form, everything he had ever known was now just a dream. He no longer knew anything at all and couldn’t even utter a single word, just witnessing…

Opposites no longer existed, now they were complimentaries. Every single thing had lost it’s boundaries and merged into everything, every thing was everything. Without any way to describe anything, to say something about anything would also apply to everything. Facing this paradox he couldn’t help laughing, a cosmic joke!

As he stared at the surfaces, they began to crack. Worlds upon worlds of miracles were buried under each so-called stable surface, the ever-changing play of energy was inviting, almost demanding, to get lost into itself.

And so the dragon dove back to the depths of imagination from where it had risen, to patiently wait for the next mind to come up with it’s idea.

“The days are numbered”, said the cat from the hood. The cat was right, every day carried a number and some numbers were considered special! “Only today carries no number, for today turns into another todayyy meoooooowww so where is the 15th or thr 21st etc when the first is already never-ending??? Soo tomorrow must be just imaginary meooooowww!” the cat continued and dropped stuff, this time being a bit more selective to what was really worth dropping…

In order to give creation the experience of meaninglessness, must the creator hide from all the senses…

Dogsilla had heard of the cool cat and having found these magnificent sunglasses, Dogsilla was definitely tripping ballz and going places. Add to that the spilled&spiced up cider Dogsilla had found on his nightly walk… to quench his thirst Dogsilla just couldn’t wait any longer and had to lick the asphalt. The world started turning sideways and things were melting into melting things. Something reminded Dogsilla of home but it was floating and there was definitely a very busy flamingo highway in between. “How I am get there gonna? ” thought Dogsilla surprising himself of this unbeforeseen poetical thought-output

All philosophy is based on an assumption that questions are worth answering. Is there ever a point of conclusion, an answer that will actually satisfy? Yes says one, no says the other and so the debate begins. Gathering more and more heat, mass, energy and attention, the debate continues until “or else” comes into picture and so the forced silence of the other is the end result. One wins and holding onto power will crush all the others, for power is the greatest trip there is.

The dragon was wondering why everybody was so scared of him. After all, there was no evidence that he had ever hurt anybody. Pics or didn’t happen!
“Slay the dragon!”
“Kill the beast!”
These so-called brave soldiers attacking the innocent dragon… Sometimes the dragon’s blood was really boiling and he was almost provoked to actually hurt somebody but so far he had managed to keep his temper. To escape from one mountain to the next was the dragon’s lifestyle, it would be so much easier to just burn the whole world, but the dragon had the compassion in his heart for the foolish human race. They had just been brainwashed to fear, to hate, all those tales about bloody massacres, nothing but gossip! And even if the tales were true, the foolish human race truly showed it’s stupidity by not having forgiveness. Carrying nothing but hate in it’s heart, the human race was digging it’s own grave, for hate for the other ment hate for oneself and how could life ever satisfy, be joyful and filled with bliss if the burden of hate was engraved so deeply into the foolish human race?

First rays of the morning pushed their way through the curtains caressing her black hair gently. She was awake but didn’t open her eyes quite yet, the day was still taking baby steps, she had time to catch up.

And so this four-legged furniture started it’s career in the fashion world. One pic went viral and suddenly everybody wanted a piece. To be just an ordinary piece of wood, but when you cover yourself with pretty colours, suddenly you are seen. Just a chair turned into something spectacular! There was no end to the flashing lights, interviews, podcasts, talk-shows, signatures and all the other rubbish the burden of being a celebrity “The Chair” brought with it. A chair knew it, it was just a trip, the only special quality this chair had was it’s vanity.

The merry chit-chat in the corners and centers was comfy, although silence was no longer awkward either. Whatever happened or didn’t happen was all welcome. Embraces for a minute rejections for the next and stillness for the the third. If there’s no sugar also salt loses it’s saltiness, right? The stars laid their light on the eyelids of the sleeping beauties, whispering gently all the tales from the times immemorial, the same stories the stars’ ancestors had already been told.